Cherry Hinton Bellringers

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Cherry Hinton

The bells
St Andrew's website

The Ringing

Ringing times

Past Activities



The Ringing World
Dove Online
Roger Bailey's links
Ely DA
Cambridge District
Trumpington Bellringers
Great Wilbraham
Change ringers mailing list
Ringing chat mailing list

Ringing Times

Practice Night

We normally practice every Tuesday evening between 7.30pm and 9.00pm, except for the Tuesday in the week leading up to Easter Sunday (Holy week).

If you are in the area, please feel free to join us. Visitors are most welcome, but please check first that the practice is going ahead.

We have a band with varied experience: from people learning to handle and ring rounds up to spliced surprise minor (depending who turns up!).

Sunday service ringing

Sunday morning service ringing is currently from 9.25am to 9.55am.

We often manage to get between 6 and 8 people for service ringing, although we normally ring if 3 or more people are available. Again, visitors are most welcome!

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